
Minami Healthy Foods 100% Seal Oil Capsule

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About the product


Quantity60 ps
Dosage30 days

Composition and method of application

Ingredients: Harp Seal Oil, Gelatin, Glycerin, Antioxidant (Vitamin E, Catechin).

Nutritional information (in 2 capsules): calories 6.56 calories, protein 0.21 g, fats 0.6 g, sodium 0.00 g.

Active ingredients (in 2 capsules): harp seal oil 600 mg (DPA 24.84 mg, DHA 49.68 mg, EPA 35.88 mg, palmitoleic acid (14.7%) 88.2 mg, oleic acid (25. 1%) 150.6 mg, linoleic acid 1.9% 11.4 mg).

How to use: Take 2 capsules a day with water (with a meal in the morning).

Product description

This supplement contains 100% highly purified harp seal oil that is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are incredibly important for overall health and have a lot of clinically-proven health benefits:

  • DHA promotes the growth of new neurons, improves eyesight, and supports the nervous system.
  • EPA reduces chronic inflammation and helps to treat vasospasm. This acid also normalizes blood clotting, strengthens blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, and prevents and treats osteoporosis.
  • DPA is easily synthesized into DHA or EPA if needed.

These fatty acids also normalize blood cholesterol levels, prevent cholesterol plaques, and improve digestion.

Take Minami Healthy Foods 100% Seal Oil Capsule to prevent omega-3 deficiency and reduce the risk of age-related and cardiovascular diseases.