
Slim Up Slim ASAHI Matcha Latte

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About the product


Weight315 gр

Composition and method of application

Active Components (160 Kcal): Collagen Peptide - 5000 Mg, Soybean Cellulose - 8300 Mg, Hyaluronic Acid - 25 Mg, Coenzyme Q10 - 10 Mg, Polyphenols - 10 Mg, Theanine, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin PP, Pantothenic Acid, Folic Acid, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese , Selenium, Amino Acids (Alanine, Arginine, Lysine, Glycine, Histidine, Proline, Phenylalanine, Glutamic Acid, Tyrosine, Serine, Leucine, Threonine, Isoleucine, Aspartic Acid, Methionine, Valine, Cysteine), Lactic Acid Bacteria.

How to use: Dissolve the contents of 1 measure spoon in a glass of water.

1 package - approx. for 7-21 days.

Product description

If you want to control your caloric intake, need a vitamin-powered diet or just have no time to eat in the morning, then Slim Up Slim ASAHI Matcha Latte is designed specifically for you! The product contains 47 ingredients, which provide the body with almost all the necessary nutrients you need. The product does not cause digestive diseases, contributes to the natural colon cleansing. The product stimulates excess weight loss, prevents sagging skin and dehydration, removes decay products from the body. The product contains:

Collagen - supports the skin elasticity, strengthens the elastic skin tissue, positively affects the connective tissue, making it more elastic, restores joints and cartilages;

Cellulose - absorbs harmful substances, prevents constipation and diarrhea, slows the absorption of sugar and fats, lowers cholesterol level and helps remove toxins, heavy metals, activates digestive enzymes in the intestine, prevents cholelithiasis, restores the natural flora, increases immunity, prevents colon cancer;

Hyaluronic acid - prevents moisture loss, helps to keep the joints, skin, hair, and nails healthy;

Coenzyme Q10 - stimulates the metabolism, prevents the cell aging, prevents the mitochondrial oxidative damage, protects the heart and stimulates burns fat;

Theanine - removes stress, increases concentration, brain abilities and memory, improves sleep quality;

Amino acids - serve as a building material for muscle, bone and connective tissue, prevent the loss of muscle mass and hormones, improving immunity;

Vitamin A - is an antioxidant, improves vision, increases calcium absorption, regulates protein synthesis, penetrating the cellular and subcellular membranes, stimulates the immune system;

Vitamin B1 - improves immunity, intensifies regenerative processes in the body, stimulates the function of the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive system, improves memory, increases stress resistance, helps to cope with depression, improves skin condition ;

Vitamin B2 - increases energy metabolism and removes harmful substances from the body, stimulates the red blood cell production, helps to get rid of hormonal obesity and rashes;

Vitamin B6 - improves tissue respiration, stimulates glucose metabolism in the nervous tissue, relieves stress and lowers blood pressure;

Vitamin B12 - regulates the hemoglobin synthesis. It is necessary for the peripheral nerves function;

Vitamin C - is an antioxidant, increases immunity, stimulates collagen synthesis. It is responsible for the skin elasticity and hair and nail health, strengthens the vessels and cares for teeth and gums;

Vitamin D - stimulates calcium absorption, strengthens teeth and other bones, prevents osteoporosis, reduces the risk of fractures, stimulates muscle growth;

Vitamin E - is an antioxidant and UV filter, stimulates blood circulation, improves tissue respiration and nutrition, normalizes the hormonal balance;

Vitamin PP - increases immunity, improves tissue respiration and blood flow, supports skin health, prevents osteoarthritis, has a mild sedative effect, improves concentration and mood;

Folic acid - prevents anemia, maintains normal hematopoiesis;

Pantothenic acid - is involved in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, eliminates hormonal and infectious rashes;

Calcium - strengthens bones, plays role in the formation and renewal of bone and connective tissue, protects against joint and dental problems, stimulates the immune system, removing inflammation and eliminating allergic reactions, stimulates the wound healing process, strengthens the blood vessels;

Magnesium - strengthens bones, stimulates muscle growth, improves blood circulation. It helps to convert food into energy, create new proteins from amino acids, create and repair DNA and RNA, regulate neurotransmitters, which send messages throughout your brain and nervous system. Boosts exercise performance, fights depression, lowers blood pressure;

Iron - is necessary for the liver, bone marrow, thyroid health. Strengthens the nervous and immune systems, improves joint health;

Potassium - plays role in the transmission of nerve impulses, improves memory and attention, saturates the brain with oxygen, normalizes blood pressure, normalizes muscle contractions. It is useful for muscular dystrophy;

Zinc - is involved in the metabolism of proteins and nucleic acids. It is responsible for hair and skin health. Boosts your natural defense and stimulates libido;

Copper - is involved in the formation of erythrocytes and synthesis of collagen and melanin. Prevents osteoporosis and bone fractures, strengthens the blood vessels. It is an immunostimulant and antioxidant, helps to normalize the hormonal balance;

Manganese - stimulates the absorption of thiamine and biotin, iron and copper, bone formation, improves the thyroid gland function, normalizes the digestive and nervous system function, normalizes the cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood;

Selenium - is a powerful antioxidant that prevents aging, and is involved in macronutrient metabolism, stimulates iodine absorption;

Lactic acid bacteria - protect the intestine against pathogens, fungi, and polyps, transport useful substances through the intestinal walls, strengthen the immune system, improve the kidney and liver function, reduce blood sugar level, reduce blood coagulability, heal the nervous system and reduce fatigue.