
Cat's Claw: 12 Amazing Benefits for Your Health and Longevity

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Today, we're diving into a fascinating natural remedy known as "cat's claw." This isn't a scientific term, but the name comes from the distinct shape of the plant's thorns, resembling a cat's claw. It's also known as Peru liana, Uncaria, or Una de Gato—different names, same extraordinary health benefits.

For centuries, the indigenous peoples of South America, Mexico, and Peru have cherished this plant. They utilized it to address a variety of ailments, inspired by the legend of the jaguar—a creature associated with agility and strength—believed to consume cat's claw. The roots and leaves of this vine were used to combat inflammation, poisoning, and immune deficiencies.

When researchers studied indigenous populations, they were intrigued to discover a notable absence of cancer cases. This piqued scientific interest, leading to an in-depth examination of cat's claw's properties.

Today, Una de Gato is embraced in both dietary supplements and medicinal applications. Its popularity continues to grow, and for good reason.

Why is Cat's Claw So Beneficial?

Laboratory studies have consistently shown that the plant's bark is rich in phytosterols, isopteropodins, triterpenes, and polyphenols. These compounds play a crucial role in destroying cancer cells and possess antiseptic and anti-inflammatory qualities.

While cat's claw supports overall health and boosts the immune system, it is particularly effective against infectious diseases and colds. Remarkably, unlike other treatments, it enhances rather than disrupts gastrointestinal microflora.

una de gato

Ongoing research continues to unveil the incredible properties of the Peru liana, which outperforms popular nutraceuticals like ginseng, reishi mushrooms, maitake, shiitake, echinacea, pau d'arco, and astragalus in concentration and abundance of beneficial substances.

Swedish researchers have demonstrated that cat's claw can repair damaged DNA areas, inhibit viral replication, and is free from side effects or dependencies!

In a noteworthy scientific study, 700 early-stage cancer patients consumed cat's claw for three years without chemotherapy—and 97% experienced recovery.

A similar trial with HIV-positive individuals showed promising results. At early detection stages, some volunteers fully regained their health, while many others managed to halt the disease's symptoms and progression.

Discover the incredible benefits of cat's claw and explore how it can contribute to your health and longevity.

12 Proven Benefits of Cat's Claw: Why You Should Consider Buying It 

To date, the following properties of cat's claw have been scientifically proven and clinically confirmed:

  1. Anti-inflammatory: Particularly effective against inflammation in internal organs and joints, cat's claw alleviates pain, redness, swelling, and fever.
  2. Recovery Post-Chemotherapy/Radiation Therapy: Assists in the safe removal of toxins and waste, facilitating recovery.
  3. Anti-tumor: Demonstrates significant results in slowing tumor growth, reducing cancer cell proliferation, and treating leukemia.
  4. Immunomodulatory: One of the most notable benefits of this Peru liana. At the onset of cold symptoms—a cough, runny nose, or general malaise—a double dose morning and night can have you feeling fit in no time.
  5. Anti-thrombotic: Dissolves existing blood clots and prevents new ones, while also normalizing blood pressure.
  6. Probiotic Effect: Soothes intestinal inflammation, enhances peristalsis and stomach function, and alleviates feelings of heaviness, bloating, heartburn, and headaches.
  7. Detox: Effective against poisoning and various types of intoxication, from drugs and alcohol to medications and food, while also normalizing liver function.
  8. Antiparasitic: Boosts immunity to combat parasites indirectly.
  9. Regenerative: Supports regeneration of mucous membranes, crucial for protecting against pathogenic organisms.
  10. Antiviral.
  11. Antibacterial: Particularly effective against enterococci and candida, adding an antifungal benefit. Even small doses can kill up to 96% of staphylococci.
  12. Radiation Protection.

Where to Order Cat's Claw and How to Take It 

Given its popularity and effectiveness, the market is rife with counterfeit options. To ensure you're buying the authentic cat's claw, seek sellers who provide product certificates (especially if not purchasing from the country of origin) or those offering direct sales from the country where it is produced.

Japanese Cat's Claw is renowned for its high quality and concentrated active ingredients. Unlike products with mere traces of the Peru liana, this is a pure offering that has undergone multiple quality checks.

  • For Illnesses Prevention: A month's course is sufficient, adhering strictly to the manufacturer's dosage. The supplement is well-tolerated and pairs nicely with other natural nutraceuticals. It can be taken as a tea: Dissolve the daily dose in a glass of hot (not boiling) water for a healthful drink.
  • For Treating Specific Ailments: Particularly viral ones, increase the dosage by 1-2 capsules over a week, then revert to the standard intake.

Traditional medicine sees such supplements positively but acknowledges individual responses. Discontinue use if undesirable symptoms appear. It's not recommended to use cat's claw for more than three months consecutively. Suitable for use from age five at a reduced dosage—one-third of the adult amount.

Buying Japanese cat's claw is an excellent choice, with options to order original products designed for the domestic market, including delivery.

Precautions and Contraindications:


While there are no stringent contraindications, consult a doctor if you fall into these categories:

- Pregnant women
- Nursing mothers
- Individuals with high blood pressure (hypertension)
- Avoid concurrent use with anticoagulants (blood thinners)

There are reported cases of miscarriages early in pregnancy due to the vine inducing uterine contractions. Discontinue use two weeks before any planned surgery. It is also advisable to avoid uncaria if you experience excessive bile production due to its mild choleretic effects.

Remember, your health is your responsibility. Be attuned to your body's responses, and it will reward you with well-being and vitality!