
ITOH Black Tea Reduced Fertilizer

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About the product

Product description

ITOH Black Tea Reduced Fertilizer contains 12 plants that have a powerful tonic effect, provide the body with nutrients and promote weight loss. Benefits:

  • increases immunity
  • normalizes sebum production
  • improves digestion
  • normalizes blood pressure
  • boosts metabolic processes
  • removes toxins
  • improves skin condition
  • increases stress resistance

This tea will help to reduce appetite, increase energy production and efficiency, strengthen the body and improve mood.


Quantity33 ps
Weight8 g

Composition and method of application

Ingredients: Puer tea, oolong tea, red tea, black soy, black barley, eucommia leaves, mulberry leaves, guava leaves, ginger, onion leaves, hamabasu flowers, ginseng root.

Nutritional value: 0 kcal, protein 0 g, lipids 0 g, carbohydrates 0 g, sodium 0 g.

How to use: Use one teabag per person for a cup. Pour boiled water and allow to infuse for 3 minutes.