
Dr.Formula D.SMART

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About the product

Product description

Dr. Formula D.SMART is formulated with two powerful natural antioxidants that protect the brain from age-related changes and slow down the process of premature aging:
  •     Ferulic acid is a polyphenolic compound contained in various types of fruit. It has an antioxidant effect and reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis.
  •     Ginkgo biloba extract slows down the processes of premature aging, accelerates cellular metabolism, normalizes blood flow, increases thinking skills, improves vision and hearing.

Dr. Formula D.SMART also contains natural ingredients that enhance the useful properties of other components, protect the brain from harsh external factors and prevent aging.

Regular use of this product has an overall strengthening effect on the body:

  •     Improves memory and thinking skills
  •     Increases concentration
  •     Normalizes mood
  •     Improves sleep quality
  •     Improves vision

Dr. Formula D.SMART improves brain function and slows down the aging process.


Quantity90 ps
Dosage30 days
manufacturerDr Formula

Composition and method of application

Ingredients: olive oil, glycolipids, ginkgo biloba extract, DHA-containing purified fish oil, Cistanche tubulosa powder, gelatin, glycerin, ferulic acid, rice bran, wax, fatty acid esters, cocoa dye.

Active ingredients (in 3 capsules): glycolipids 150 mg, ginkgo biloba extract 120 mg, ferulic acid 45 mg,
cistanche tubulosa 45 mg, DHA 11.5 mg.

Nutritional value: energy: 8.023 kcal, protein: 0.382 g, lipids: 0.548 g, carbohydrates: 0.391 g (sodium chloride 0.005 g).

Dosage: Take 3 capsules per day.