
Dr.Formula Heme Iron

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About the product

Product description

Iron is one of the most important nutrients in our diet. Iron deficiency can cause serious complications and people who have iron deficiency may experience the following symptoms:

  •     Low hemoglobin level
  •     Dizziness
  •     Extreme fatigue
  •     Problem skin
  •     Brittle hair
  •     Heart diseases
  •     Increased irritability
  •     Digestive diseases

Dr. Formula Heme Iron stimulates the production of red blood cells, normalizes metabolism, saturates the cells with oxygen and supports the immune, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Regular intake of this supplement will help to improve overall health and treat anemia.


Quantity60 pcs
Dosage30 days
manufacturerDr Formula

Composition and method of application

Ingredients: heme iron, HPMC, cellulose, calcium stearate.

Nutritional value (in 2 capsules): energy: 2.50 Kcal, protein: 0.31 g, lipids: 0.06 g, carbohydrates: 0.17 g, sodium: 10.23 mg.

Iron (in 2 capsules): 9 mg.

Dosage: Take 2 capsules daily with water.