
Yamamoto Kanpo Ichou-You Ekisu Tea

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About the product

Product description

This tea contains many natural ingredients, including ginkgo biloba leaves, barley, soy, green tea, ginseng leaves and other useful ingredients that help support the brain and improve overall health. Ginkgo is a rich source of useful essential oils, fatty acids, linoleic acid, vitamins, and trace elements. Benefits:

  • Improves blood circulation, prevents strokes and heart attacks;
  • Relieves the symptoms of fatigue and nervous tension, improves thinking skills (memory, concentration);
  • Energizes and increases vitality;
  • It has potent antioxidant properties and helps to delay the process of aging.
  • Lowers cholesterol levels, improves metabolism and boosts immunity.

This tea with ginkgo helps to cope with headaches. It is intended to prevent Alzheimer's disease and cancer.


Quantity20 ps
Weight10 g
manufacturerYamamoto Kanpoh

Composition and method of application

How to use: Bring water just to boiling and steep 3 minutes.

Ingredients: Concentrated tea, brown rice, barley, oolong tea, soy, licorice, coix, green tea, algae, gymnema silvestre, ginseng leaves, ginkgo biloba extract, pine fiber.