
Moringa Leaf Extract Tablet

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About the product


Quantity250 ps
Dosage30 - 60 days

Composition and method of application

Ingredients: Moringa leaves.

Nutritional value in 25 g: 96 kcal, proteins 7.5 g, lipids 2.8 g, carbohydrates 11.5 g, sodium 20.5 mg, potassium 282 mg, calcium 772 mg, vitamin C 4.3 mg, vitamin E 28 mg, beta-carotene, magnesium 128 mg, iron 284 mg, gamma-aminbutyric acid (GABA) 56 mg, aspartic acid 517 mg, glutamic acid 647 mg, polyphenols 650 mg.

Dose: 4-8 tablets per day.

Product description

Moringa extract is obtained from leaves of a unique tree, that has been used in Ayurveda for over 3,000 years. Moringa leaves are an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals. This superfood contains useful antioxidants, vitamins, and microelements.

  • Polyphenols have antioxidant properties and act against free radicals in your body. They slow down the process of aging and help to preserve youth.
  • Vitamin C stimulates the regeneration of gums, blood vessels, bones, and teeth, improves iron absorption, increases the immune system.
  • Beta-carotene is the strongest antioxidant, lowers cholesterol, improves the skin's barrier functions, protects vision, and increases immunity.
  • Magnesium improves the absorption of potassium, calcium, and vitamin C. It helps to fight chronic fatigue syndrome, normalizes the daily rhythm, has a positive effect on the nervous system and increases stress resistance.
  • Iron normalizes cellular metabolism, supports brain function, and improves the central nervous system and thyroid gland.
  • Chlorogenic acid normalizes the blood sugar level, preventing diabetes.

Moringa Extract is beneficial for people who are lacking in essential nutrients.