
Naturich Lutein & Antioxidant Fruit MIX Vision Support

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About the product

Product description

Naturich Lutein & Antioxidant Fruit MIX contains natural ingredients that help maintain eye health:

  • Calendula flowers are rich in lutein that protects the eyes from blue light, prevents macular degeneration and cataracts, neutralizes free radicals, and prevents retinal damage.
  • Plant extracts provide the body with nutrients: vitamin A, lycopene, anthocyanins, etc. These substances protect blood vessels from damage, reduce retinal permeability, normalize intraocular pressure, accelerate retinal regeneration, improve blood circulation, and increase visual acuity.

Take this food additive to maintain your eyesight for as long as possible.


Quantity60 ps
Dosage30 days

Composition and method of application

Ingredients: Calendula Flowers, Plant Extracts (Strawberries, Tomatoes, Carrots, Etc.), Gelatin.

Active ingredients (in 2 capsules): lutein 60 mg, plant extracts 10 mg.

How to use: Take 2 capsules a day with water.