
Revitalizing tea Yamamoto Kanpo

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About the product

Product description

Tea Yamamoto Kanpo-excellent replacement of coffee or other tonic drinks, but unlike them, tea is distinguished by a balanced and natural composition of the most useful components. Each of the tea components has a pronounced healing Effects, nourishes nutrients and strengthens immunity. The use of tea with barley, ulnom, brown rice, malt, mulberry and other ingredients contributes to:

  • reduce weight and shape correction by improving metabolism and suppressing cravings for sweet, fat dishes;
  • prevention of the development of oncological diseases due to strong antioxidant properties;
  • effective fight against premature aging, improvement of the general condition of the body at elevated physical and psycho-emotional loads;
  • normalize the work of the heart and blood vessels, reduce the level of sugar and cholesterol, eliminate toxins, improve blood circulation.

All components of tea have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and stimulating properties, so it can be drunk to prevent colds and complex recovery.


Quantity18 ps
Weight20 g
manufacturerYamamoto Kanpoh

Composition and method of application

Tips for use: Pour the bag with boiled water. Drink to taste with milk or sugar at any time.

Ingredients: Tea hub, barley, oolong tea, brown rice, Cox, soy, bamboo shoots, licorice, oyster leaves, five-leaf hynotemma, mulberry leaves, citrus peel.