
Rich EX Omega 3 Nattokinase Astaxanthin

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About the product

Product description

Rich EX Omega 3 Nattokinase Astaxanthin contains active ingredients that have a complex effect on the body:

  • Omega-3 controls the level of "bad" cholesterol, prevents the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, improves cognitive function, reduces the risk of diabetes, supports heart health, fights inflammation in the body, and suppresses the development of cancer cells.
  • Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant. It blocks the action of free radicals and slows down the aging process, strengthens the immune system, fights pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Astaxanthin also dilates blood vessels, prevents blood clotting, normalizes the functioning of internal organs, has a positive effect on reproductive function and improves skin condition.
  • Nattokinase thins the blood, promotes the breakage of blood clots and cholesterol plaques, strengthens the cardiovascular system, stimulates metabolic processes and oxygen transportation in the brain, improves memory.

Regular intake of Rich EX Omega 3 Nattokinase Astaxanthin helps to significantly reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks, improve brain activity and strengthen immunity.


Quantity60 ps
Dosage30 days

Composition and method of application

Ingredients: Refined Fish Oil (DHA and EPA), Flaxseed Oil, Sesame Oil, Krill Oil, Astaxanthin, Nattokinase Omega-3 content (2 capsules): 500 mg.

How to use: Take 1 capsule twice a day.