
Yamamoto Kanpo Black Bean Tea

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About the product

Product description

This nourishing and toning tea from Yamamoto Kanpo provides the body with nutrients and improves overall health:

  • Improves skin condition by increasing the production of collagen and elastin fibers. Delays the process of aging;
  • Cleanses the blood and liver from toxins, reduces cholesterol and blood sugar levels, removes heavy metals, prevents atherosclerosis and heart diseases;
  • Relieves PMS symptoms and normalizes hormonal balance;
  • Improves blood circulation and have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Increase metabolism to prevent and treat obesity, reduces cravings for sweets;
  • Boosts immunity and protects from diseases.

Tea with black beans, green tea, oolong, brown rice, and other ingredients is rich in fiber, essential vitamins, minerals, lecithin, and soy protein.


Quantity60 ps
Weight10 g
manufacturerYamamoto Kanpoh

Composition and method of application

How to use: Bring water just to boiling and steep 3 minutes.

Ingredients: Black soybeans, soybeans, barley, brown rice, green tea, oolong tea, black sesame, red beans, coix, alfalfa, buckwheat, winter oats, licorice.