
Yamamoto Kanpo Sugina Tea

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About the product

Product description

Yamamoto Kanpo Sugina Tea with Cryptomeria japonica is intended to boost immunity and protect the body from infectious diseases. Benefits:
  •     Has potent antibacterial properties;
  •     Provides an anti-inflammatory effect;
  •     Protects the body from viruses during the cold season;
  •     Relaxes muscles;
  •     Relieves pain and inflammation in the muscles and joints;
  •     Detoxifies the oral cavity.

This product nourishes the body with useful vitamins and minerals, strengthens the body and tones.


Quantity24 ps
Weight5 g
manufacturerYamamoto Kanpoh

Composition and method of application

How to use: Bring water just to boiling and steep 3 minutes.

Ingredients: Cryptomeria japonica (Japanese cedar), brown rice, tea leaves, licorice.