
Facial skincare after 30: learning how to prolong youth

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Changes after 30 years: forewarned is forearmed

A bit of physiology: as we know, the first 25 years of your life, the body is constantly growing and being updated, and further comes the inexorable aging process: the speed of collagen synthesis decreases, skin cells lose the ability to actively regenerate, becomes difficult to retain moisture. As a result, the skin begins to look pale and dull, wrinkles become more noticeable.

But all this happens only in the case if you do nothing to help your skin! Fortunately, modern cosmetology offers plenty of tools that can prolong youth for many years.

So, surpassing the 30-year mark, you must clearly understand: now your skin requires more nutrition and cleansing daily, throughout the 365 days of the year. From now on, your task - to stimulate blood circulation, pushing the cells to self-renew.

Morning care

Morning care should include cleansing, the use of active agents (cream, serum), and protection.

For morning cleansing very well suited the cool water. Also,  ice cube rubbing will allow enhancing blood circulation and narrowing pores.

The next stage - the application of active agents. This can be a moisturizing cream or serum. Keeping your skin moisturized will help the serum Episteme In Charge Booster C, applied immediately after washing the face. The main benefit is the ability to penetrate deeply into the skin, carefully filling "water channels". Another secret of the serum - the presence of the famous vitamin PQQ in its composition, capable to stop the death of cells!

The use of protective products before going out helps protect the skin from the negative influence of external factors. Choosing skincare after 30, give preference to products hat are able to "trigger" the production of collagen.

Secrets of evening skincare

Evening care is slightly different from the morning and more aimed at a thorough cleansing and nutrition.

Even if you didn't leave the house and didn't apply any makeup the cleansing procedure is still necessary. The correct and regular cleansing affects the youthfulness of skin. Gel, foam, lotion - these are the products that are suitable for getting rid of dust, grease, and cosmetics clusters. Complete the procedure by putting on the face some tonic or lotion that will improve skin tone and remove the remnants of cosmetics. Are you afraid to dry up the skin? Using the lotion with ceramides TUNEMAKERS Ceramides 200, you will be able to eliminate dryness and tightness, often arising after washing and cleansing. The tool helps protect the face from exposure to toxins, bacteria, viruses, and chemicals, which inevitably have to face on a daily basis.

The application of the cream - the final step. As an evening option choose nutritious products since it is proved that at night-time the skin is better able to absorb nutrients. CEFINE NIGHT MOISTURE GELEE, has an anti-aging effect, while you sleep it actively fights with existing wrinkles. This weapon has a powerful action: looking in the mirror after you wake up, you will be surprised by seeing a fresh and radiant face skin!

General recommendations for skincare after 30

  • It is known that in order to maintain the necessary level of skin moisture, it is necessary to drink about 2 liters of pure water. But remember: if you don't want your face to look swollen in the morning, the last portion of the liquid should be taken 2 hours before bedtime.
  • 30 years - the best time to schedule a facial massage that improves blood circulation and visibly rejuvenates the skin. Do not have enough time to go to the salon? Perform self-massage during the application of the cream.
  • Night creams do not imply that the application just before bedtime. Beauticians recommend using the cream 40 minutes before bedtime and remove the remains after 15 minutes with a napkin.
  • The skin of the neck and décolleté is aging faster than the face, and often "shows" the true age. So do not make a mistake and do not forget to care for this part of the body. 5 minutes gymnastic and using of BB Laboratories Neckline Clear Gel, to maintain its firmness and elasticity of the entire zone. The powerful combination of calcium, arbutin, and amino acids will help to form a clear contour.

By following these simple skin care rules for face skin after 30, remember that no one can not help gloomy and unhappy face! And the last and least important rule: smile! After 30 years - it is the dawn of life, so enjoy it to the full.