
Beauty Complex with Collagen, Rose Extract and Antioxidants Attenir Collagen Beautist

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About the product

Product description

Attenir Collagen Beautist contains natural ingredients that have a positive effect on the skin condition, help maintain youth and health from the inside:

  • Collagen peptide stimulates the synthesis of collagen fibers, increases the elasticity and firmness of the epidermis, smoothes fine wrinkles, improves facial contours, normalizes and evens out skin tone, improves the condition of hair and nails.
  • Rosebud extract powder has an antioxidant effect, fills cells with nutrients, increases the elasticity of vascular walls, has a mild diuretic effect, helps reduce swelling, and has a detox effect.
  • Vitamin C stimulates the production of collagen, provides elasticity and firmness of the skin, has an antioxidant effect, cleanses the body of toxins.
  • Isoquercitrin is a powerful antioxidant. It slows down the withering process, strengthens the immune system, removes toxins and from the body, starts regeneration processes, regulates cholesterol levels, reduces the risk of thrombosis, improves metabolism, and promotes weight loss.

The Attenir Collagen Beautist complex slows down the aging process and prolongs the youth of the skin.


Quantity180 pcs
Dosage30 days

Composition and method of application

Ingredients: collagen peptide, starch, rosebud extract powder, isoquercitrin, cellulose, vitamin C, microsilica, calcium stearate, cyclic oligosaccharide, shellac.

Active ingredients (6 tablets): collagen peptide 1000 mg (containing tripeptides), rose bud extract powder 10 mg, vitamin C 100 mg, powder containing isoquercitrin 10 mg.

How to use: Take 6 tablets in the morning with water.

Contraindication: age up to 15 years, pregnancy and lactation.