
Orihiro Domestic Homugi Tea

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About the product

Product description

Orihiro Domestic Homugi Tea has a powerful antioxidant effect, rejuvenates the body and slows down the aging process. It strengthens immunity, stimulates tissue regeneration and restores the body after inflammation. Regular intake of the product helps to improve the appearance of your skin, tonic the muscles, smooth out small wrinkles, stop hair loss and reduce rashes and irritation. Barley is rich in group B vitamins, as well as vitamins B, E, PP and D, and useful trace elements. It improves vision, reduces the risk of tooth decay. Tea supports the CNS function, lowers the risk of developing dementia and stimulates cognitive abilities. It is useful for the endocrine system, normalizes the hormonal balance, protects reproductive health and boosts metabolic process. Barley is used for the treatment of ulcerative diseases and inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract. It also improves blood circulation, prevents the development of thrombosis and varicose veins, lowers cholesterol levels.


Quantity26 ps
Weight5 g

Composition and method of application

How to use: Fill 1 tea bag with 500 ml of boiling water and wait for 10 minutes.

Ingredients: Japanese barley.