
Nature Made Dietary Fiber

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About the product

Product description

Nature Made Dietary Fiber promotes detoxification of the body and weight loss. This product improves digestive health, normalizes metabolism, stimulates peristalsis. Regular intake of Nature Made Dietary Fiber enhances the nutrient absorption and normalizes stools and natural bowel movements. Fiber prevents constipation and improves natural bowel movements. Nature Made Dietary Fiber helps to reduce appetite and prevent excess weight. It is useful for people with diabetes, as it slows down the sugar absorption. This product helps to reduce the likelihood of stroke.

The regular intake of the Nature Made Dietary Fiber will normalize the functioning of the digestive system, improve metabolism and help to prevent the development of obesity.


Quantity270 ps
Dosage24 - 26 days

Composition and method of application

Ingredients: non-digestible dextrin, vegetable oil, cellulose, calcium phosphate, silicon oxide.

Nutritional value (10 tablets): energy 3.98 kcal, protein 0 g, fat 0-0.5 g, sugar 0-0.5 g, sodium 0-0.05 mg.

Content of active ingredients (10 tablets): dietary fiber 3 g.

How to use: take 10 tablets during the day before meals with plenty of water.