
Meiji Cassis-i EX

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About the product

Product description

Meiji Cassis-i EX promotes the synthesis of vitamin A and is a true elixir of life. It saturates the tissues with retinol, thereby strengthening their structure and helping to fight infections and bacteria. This product is a potent antioxidant, neutralizes free radicals in the body and prevents cancer. Beta-carotene reverses the aging process and helps to preserve youth and beauty. It significantly lowers the level of cholesterol, prevents atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Meiji Cassis-i EX helps to maintain eye health and visual acuity, and protects from blue light. It also improves skin condition, protects it from UV-rays, heals burns, irritations, etc. Beta-carotene helps to strengthen bones and teeth, heals the oral cavity, and normalizes hormonal balance in both women and men.


    • Increases immunity;
    • Relieves inflammation, has disinfectant properties;
    • Improves blood flow;
    • Supports the liver, kidneys, and eyes;
    • Improves digestion;
    • Has anti-rheumatic properties;
    • Prevents age-related diseases in the elderly;
    • Has a beneficial effect on the skin condition.


Quantity60 ps
Dosage20 days

Composition and method of application

How to use: Take 3 tablets per day.

Active ingredients (in 3 tablets): Blackcurrant extract - 250 mg (anthocyanin - 50 mg), lutein - 12 mg, vitamin C 50mg, vitamin E 27.0g, copper 0.6mg, zinc 9.0mg, β-carotene 2250μg.