
FINE JAPAN Garlic Extract

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About the product

Product description

FINE JAPAN Garlic Extract has a powerful therapeutic effect due to the garlic that contains allantoin, a substance that has a positive effect on the body:

  • boosts the immune system
  • normalizes metabolism
  • cleanses the body of toxins
  • supports the nervous system function
  • improves brain function
  • improves memory and concentration
  • reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

The natural supplement FINE JAPAN Garlic Extract contains purified garlic extract and natural components that help to support overall health across every system in the body:

  • Shark cartilage extract nourishes and strengthens connective tissues and bones, strengthens ligaments and increases the elasticity of muscles, relieves inflammation and pain and stimulates collagen synthesis.
  • Wheat germ is rich in B vitamins that support the CNS function and improve microvascular function. Also, wheat germ normalizes metabolic processes, stimulate digestion, cleanse the body of toxins and promote weight loss.

FINE JAPAN Garlic Extract provides the body with energy, helps to cope with chronic fatigue, enhances thinking skills and boosts immunity.


Quantity660 ps
manufacturerFINE JAPAN

Composition and method of application

Ingredients: garlic extract, shark cartilage extract, ginseng extract, wheat germ.
Nutritional value (in 5 tablets (750 mg)): energy 3.0 kcal, protein 0.04 g, lipids 0 g, carbohydrates 0, 7 g, sodium 0.9 mg, vitamin B1 1.5 mg, vitamin B2 1, 7 mg, vitamin B6 3.0 mg, vitamin E 1.0 mg.
Dosage: Take 5-15 tablets per day in 2-3 divided doses.