
Meiji Imidazole Dipeptides GOLD

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About the product

Product description

Meiji Imidazole Dipeptides GOLD contains amino acids that strengthen the body and increase endurance:


  • Imazol dipeptide stimulates the protein metabolism, normalizes the nervous system function, helps to fight stress, has an antioxidant effect.
  • L-Citrulline has a restorative effect, increases endurance, stimulates muscle growth, normalizes blood pressure.
  • L-Ornithine stimulates somatotropin production, has an immunomodulating effect, stimulates weight loss.

Regular intake of Meiji Imidazole Dipeptides GOLD provides the body with energy, strengthens the body and helps to cope with fatigue.


Quantity45 ps
Dosage15 days

Composition and method of application

Ingredients: Chicken extract, dietary fiber, L-citrulline, L-ornithine, salt hydrochloride, starch, dextrin, cellulose, sucrose esters, silicon oxide, vitamin B1.

Active components (in 3 capsules (1050 mg)): Imidazole dipeptide 300 mg, L-Citrulline 50 mg, L-Ornithine 50 mg.

Nutritional value (in 3 capsules (1050 mg)): Energy 4.1 kcal, protein 0.34 g, lipids 0.04 g, carbohydrates 0.60 g, sodium 3.94 mg, vitamin B1 10 mg.