
Complex when planning pregnancy FINE JAPAN Prenatal

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About the product

Product description

Fine Prenatal-is a balanced set of substances necessary for the well-being of the expectant mother and the proper development of the baby. The complex is based on the extract of brown rice germ, rich in vitamins and minerals. Also included in the The drug includes numerous micro-and macronutrients, providing the body with adequate nutrition.

  • Folic acid is necessary for the correct formation of the central nervous system and the fetal brain. It prevents the development of congenital pathologies in the child. Folic acid normalizes the state of the nervous system of the woman, serves Prevention of neuroses and disturbing conditions.
  • Iron participates in hematopoiosis and metabolic processes. This trace element is necessary for the synthesis of red blood cells-erythrocytes, the main function of which is the transfer of oxygen to organs and tissues. In addition, iron during pregnancy is responsible for For the growth and development of the child's brain.
  • Zinc is necessary for normal metabolism, development of genetic apparatus, skeleton formation and bone strength, cell growth and division, formation of the child's immune system.
  • Vitamins Group B take part in the majority of metabolic processes occurring in mother and child organisms, promote assimilation of nutrients necessary for the full development of nervous, cardiovascular, immune and endocrine Fetal systems.

is also included in the preparation of other vitamins and microelements necessary for the proper functioning of internal organs and systems of the body. Regularly taking Fine Prenatal during the planning period, you will prepare your body for such an important and The responsible event, such as pregnancy and childbirth.


Quantity90 ps
Dosage30 days
manufacturerFINE JAPAN

Composition and method of application

Composition: Maltodextrin, Pullulan, extract of sprouted brown rice, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium oxide, zinc gluconate, beta-carotene, iron pyrophosphate, nicotinic acid, copper gluconat, calcium pantotenat, biotin, silicon dioxide, vitamin B12 , Gardenia red pigment, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin D, folic acid.

Content in 3 capsules: energy-3.5 kcal, protein 0.04 g, fats 0.007 g, carbohydrates 0.8 g, sodium chloride equivalent to 0.002 g, folic 480 mg, zinc 10 mg, iron 9 mg, biotin 50 mg, calcium 250 mg, copper 0.9 mg, magnesium 130 mg, niacin 12 mg, pantothenic acid 5 mg , Vitamin B1 1.3 mg, vitamin B2 1.5 mg, vitamin B6 1.4 mg, vitamin B12 2.8 μg, vitamin C 110 mg, Vitamin D 3.0 mg, vitamin E 0.0005 mg, beta-carotene 1000 mcg

Recommendations: Take 3 capsules a day, 30 minutes before meals, squeezed water.