
HABA Harbor Ming Light Source

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About the product

Product description

After reading or working online, people become tired from focusing on a single fixed point and eyes start to itch and burn.

To maintain good eyesight, it is necessary to take vitamins that improve blood circulation, strengthen vascular walls and reduce the eye strain.

HABA Harbor Ming Light Source contains natural components that have a beneficial effect on your eyes:

  • Blueberry extract is a storehouse of nutrients. It contains antioxidants and microelements (iron, copper, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus), organic acids and vitamins E, C, PP that improve metabolic processes. They regenerate rhodopsin, restore the protective properties of eye retina, stimulate the synthesis of glucosamine and collagen, and normalize the light sensitivity.
  • DHA supports brain function and maintains high visual acuity.
  • Chrysanthemum extract contains nutrients that protect the eyes from harsh external influences, relieve fatigue, irritation, and dryness.


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Composition and method of application

Components: Blueberry extract, DHA-refined fish oil, vitamin E, chrysanthemum extract, gelatin, glycerin, beeswax, algae extract, vitamin A.

Energy value - 3 kcal, vitamin A - 300 μg, β-carotene - 420 μg, vitamin E - 14 mg, DHA - 20 mg, blueberry extract - 60 mg, lutein - 3 mg, astaxanthin - 50 μg, chrysanthemum extract - 1 mg.