
Fine Japan Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract

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About the product

Product description

Fine Japan Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract supports organs and other body structures, significantly improves cognitive functions, concentration, and memory. Strengthens the vascular walls, stimulates the blood flow and saturates the brain with oxygen. Reduces vascular permeability, improves metabolic processes at the cellular level. The product has a powerful anti-aging effect, prevents hypoxia and protects the brain from toxins. Taking this supplement. You can improve your memory and concentration and protect the body against chronic fatigue and nervous strain.


Quantity400 ps
Dosage40 - 80 days
manufacturerFINE JAPAN

Composition and method of application

How to take: Take 5-10 pills per day.

Ingredients: Ginkgo Biloba Extract, Lactose, Garlic Extract, Fatty Acid Esters, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2.