
TAURUS First Supplement Enzyme For Dogs and Cats

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About the product


Quantity42 ps

Composition and method of application

Ingredients: corn starch, skimmed milk powder, powdered sugar, concentrated bacteria (Bacillus subtilis), oligosaccharides, lactic acid bacteria.

Kittens and puppies:

Weight < 2 kg - the first day, give 1 tablet after food and then give ½ tab. 2 times a day.

Adult animals:

The first day: give 2 tablets after food.

Starting from the second day: weight < 25 kg - 1 tablet 2 times a day, > 25 kg - 2 tablets 2 times a day.

Product description

TAURUS First Supplement Enzyme is a balanced combination of probiotics and prebiotics. It improves digestion and maintains gut health.

Benefits of fermented lactic acid bacteria:

  •     Kill bad bacteria and improve gut health
  •     Stimulate the metabolism of carbohydrates and fatty acids
  •     Reduce the risk of food allergies
  •     Enhance the synthesis of folic acid, nicotinic acid, vitamin K and group B vitamins

Benefits of oligosaccharides:

  •     Improve gut health
  •     Inhibit the growth of pathogens
  •     Improve digestion
  •     Increase nutrient absorption

Regular intake of this food additive will help to improve digestive health and prevent diseases.