
Genmaicha Premium

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About the product

Product description

Genmaicha is a popular tea in Japan consisting of green tea mixed with roasted popped brown rice. Tea has a light and refreshing taste. Genmaicha contains very little caffeine and is ideal for kids. Contains group B vitamins, vitamin E, vitamin C, gamma oryzanol (lowers cholesterol level and improves gastrointestinal function), catechins (strong antioxidants), and improves well-being, helping to lose extra pounds. This tea is produced in Uji, Kyoto.

Green tea is famous for its properties and contains four times more vitamin C than lemon and 10x times more than black tea. And 1,5 times as much potassium of dried apricots. Thanks to vitamin P, it strengthens the vessels and improves heart function, and vitamin U helps to treat ulcers.

You can reuse one teabag twice.


Quantity20 ps
manufacturerITO EN LTD

Composition and method of application

Ingredients: green tea (Japan), matcha (Japan).