
DHC Body Measures Tea W

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About the product

Product description

High level of triglycerides in the blood is one of the most common cause of obesity, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes and hypertension.
DHC Body Measures Tea W contains indigestible dextrin, which inhibits fat absorption, reduces
visceral fat and reduces sugar absorption.
Green tea has many health benefits:

  •     Reduces triglyceride levels
  •     Reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, while increasing the level of "good" one
  •     Inhibits the absorption of glucose
  •     Cleanses the body of toxins
  •     Normalizes digestion
  •     Promotes weight loss

DHC Body Measures Tea W will help you to improve your health, speed up weight loss and prevent diseases.


Quantity60 ps
Weight6,8 g
Dosage30 days

Composition and method of application

Ingredients: indigestible dextrin, green tea extract, green tea powder.

Nutritional value (in 1 sachet): energy 9.6 kcal, protein 0.08 g, lipids 0.03 g, carbohydrates 6.3 g (sugar - 0.7 g, dietary fiber - 5.6 g), sodium chloride 0.001 g

Indigestible dextrin (in 1 sachet): 5 g.

How to use: Use one sachet per 100-200 ml of water.