
JF Okinawa Immunity Support Fucoidan-Containing Dried Mozuku

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About the product

Product description

Mozuku is a type of seaweed native to Okinawa Prefecture that is famous all over the world not only for its flavor but also for its powerful immunity-boosting properties. It contains minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and a large amount of fucoidan (up to 90%), a polysaccharide with an antitumor effect. Fucoidan provokes the death of cancer cells without damaging healthy tissues, inhibits the growth of metastases, and helps the immune system to identify diseased cells more effectively.

Other benefits of mozuku include:

  • Reduces the risk of stomach ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori
  • Improves gut bacteria
  • Speeds up digestion
  • Prevents thrombosis
  • Normalizes cholesterol levels
  • Has an antioxidant effect

Adding dried mozuku to your diet is a great way to spice up any meal and improve your health.


Weight10 g

Composition and method of application

Ingredients: Mozuku (Okinawa Prefecture).

Nutrition facts (per 10 g): Protein 0.65 g, Fat 0.26 g, Carbs 6.26 g, Sodium 0.315 g, Dietary Fiber 5.95 g, Potassium 71.4 mg, Calcium 82.0 mg, Magnesium 105.0 mg.

How to use: Soak in water for 1-2 minutes. Drain the water and add mozuku to salads, second or first courses.