Spirulina by Algae — Your Health and Beauty
Nowadays, a lot of scientific fields are developing at the speed of light. But the most promising among them is biotechnology. Algae is a company from Japan that succeeded in this field and continues to contribute to the area of biotechnology and helps many people to restore and improve their health.
Algae is a company working for people, their health, and beauty. It’s convinced that beauty depends on health. That’s why the brand is willing to meet the needs of its customers and ensures the health of future generations while walking a line between nature and science. This philosophy fully describes the company’s products. But what is so special about Algae that so many customers around the world are willing to buy its supplements?
The History of Algae
1980 — Tokai Sangyo Co, Ltd. was established.
- 1983 — the brand filed a patent for a new method of producing organic germanium.
- 1987 — the company got the patent for the production of organic germanium.
- 1988 — the first research on spirulina’s properties began.
- 1997 — Algae Japan launched the Mitama factory in Yamanashi prefecture.
- 1998 — the factory was moved from Mitama to Tatomomi-Cho, and a new factory was launched in Tatomomi-Daiichi.
- 2000 — to create a new spirulina cultivation method, Algae Japan set up an experiment on growing the algae in Okinawa waters.
- 2003 — 100% deepsea spirulina by Algae can be bought in the internal market of Japan at a reliable price.
After 2003, the company started selling its products worldwide at the reliable prices.
Benefits of Algae’s Products
Algae is one of the best brands producing supplements with spirulina and germanium that you can buy at low prices at Japanesbeauty. It’s proved by numerous awards and patents. The quality and effectiveness of supplements are confirmed by GMP certification.
At Japanesbeauty, you can buy Algae products at the best prices and with worldwide delivery to any country.
Algae Spirulina. Translated from Latin, reads simply spiral. Spirulina is rich in vitamins and minerals and is really beneficial for humans. As we all know, most people around the world don’t get enough nutrients every day. Algae Spirulina is a full periodic table for its contents of biologically active substances (amino acids, minerals, vitamins, fiber, and polysaccharides ). Buy this superfood on our website at a low price, and it will:
- cleanse the intestines and normalize weight;
- improve immunity and support the body during illness or stress;
- reduce the side effects of chemotherapy;
- support the body during intense physical activity.
Algae Organic Germanium. Getting a patent on producing a new chemical compound in Japan is a tough task. Though the brand managed to obtain it in 2010. Organic germanium made of Japanese algae (Ge-132P) is a 100% pure patented product that despite its uniqueness has a reliable price. You should buy it to:
- make up for the lack of nutrients;
- nourish the skin, minimize the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines;
- nourish the cells with oxygen, protect them from free radicals;
- support digestive and blood systems.
Algae Ficotianin. It’s nothing but Spi-blue, a blue pigment derived from spirulina. It has a similar structure to protein and has almost the same formula as human bile. Ficotianin penetrates the duodenum containing the bile, oxidizes, comes back to the intestinal walls, comes into contact with iron, and converts into hemoglobin. Numerous studies by Algae and independent scientists showed that spirulina’s blue pigment is safe and has a lot of useful properties:
- blocks the growth of cancer cells and prevents tumor;
- prevents blood clots;
- reduces appetite;
- improves eyesight, digestion and reduces the level of cholesterin.
Buy spirulina supplements by Algae at Japanesbeauty for a reliable price and get a real warehouse of beneficial properties and nutrients for your body. We guarantee that all Algae products available on our website are made in Japan.