
Algae Creatinine P 100

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About the product

Product description

Creatinine P 100 helps to improve health and well being and protect the body against stress and harsh external influences. It contains ingredients that strengthen the body and increase endurance.

Wheat germ oil contains essential amino acids:

  • Leucine is vital for protein production, stimulates muscle growth;
  • Valin provides muscle tissues with energy and tones the body;
  • Isoleucine is important for hemoglobin production, regenerates muscle tissues and provides the body with energy, increasing endurance;
  • Methionine cleanses the body of toxins, helps to remove excess moisture from tissues, strengthens cartilage tissues, relieves pain and inflammation, improves the condition of hair and nails and prevents obesity;
  • Tryptophan boosts the production of serotonin and melatonin, helps to cope with stress and improves sleep quality;

Vitamin E:

  • saturates tissues with oxygen;
  • normalizes blood clotting and heals tissues;
  • improves brain function;
  • saturates the blood with oxygen, reduces fatigue
  • prevents leg cramps
  • improves endurance
  • strengthens capillary walls
  • boosts immunity
  • strengthens the heart muscles
  • increases the skin elasticity

Beeswax contains many nutrients that:

  • relieve muscle and joint pain
  • stimulate blood flow
  • regenerate skin cells
  • boost metabolism

Phycocyanin is a pigment-protein complex obtained from Spirulina that has a beneficial effect on your body.

This supplement will help you to stimulate energy production and normalize well-being.


Quantity100 ps
Dosage25 days

Composition and method of application

Ingredients: Wheat germ oil, Natural vitamin E, Ficococyanin, Beeswax.

Active components: copper 0.03 ~ 0.06 mg, biotin 1.9 ~ 4.7 mcg, protein 4.2 ~ 6.4 g, manganese 0.3 ~ 0.2 mg, inositol 5.6-11,2 mg, lipids 0,48-0,72 g , phosphorus 62,4-93,6 mg, sorinoolenic acid 90-128 mg, carbohydrates 0.2-0.6 g, beta-carotene 6400-15, 200 g, linoleic acid 61-91 mg, dietary fiber 0,54-0.8 g, vitamin b1 0.2-0.5 mg, carotenoids 16-36 mg, sodium 34,4-52,0 mg, vitamin b2 0.2-0.5 mg, fikoocyanin 840-1500 mg, calcium 12,8-24,0 mg, vitamin b6 0,06-0,14 mg, chlorophyll 48-100 mg, vitamin b12 7.6 ~ 17.2 mg, nucleic acid (rna) 176 ~ 280 mg, potassium 84.8 ~ 132.8 mg, vitamin e 0.5 ~ 1.1 mg, nucleic acid (dna) 48 ~ 80 mg, magnesium 18.6 ~ 35.0 mg, folic acid 13.4 ~ 30.2 mg, zinc 0,16-0,56 mg, pantothenic acid 0.1-0.2 mg.

Nutritional value (4 pcs): Energy 11.6 kcal, protein 0.5 g, lipids 0 g, carbohydrates 0.2 g, sodium 3 mg, vitamin E 0.3 g, Fikoocyanin 400 mg.

Dosage: Take 4-6 tablets per day.