
Purple Gromwell and Angelica Healing Ointment Matsuura Pharmaceutical Shiunko

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About the product


Weight20 g

Composition and method of application

Ingredients (1 g): angelica 0.08 g, Lithospermum erythrorhizon (purple root) 0.12 g, sesame oil 1 g, beeswax 0.3 g, pork fat 0.03 g. How to use: apply the ointment to the previously cleansed affected area. Use 2-3 times a day. Contraindications: Allergic symptoms to drug ingredients Extensive lesions with ulcers, deep burns, severe trauma, or festering wounds

Product description

Matsuura Pharmaceutical Shiunko ointment is based on plant extracts that heal the wounds and injuries, relieve itching and moisturize the skin: Angelica softens the dermis, has a significant anti-inflammatory effect, enhances microcirculation, promotes cell regeneration and tissue renewal. Lithospermum erythrorhizon improves metabolic processes in skin cells, has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. It triggers blood microcirculation, removes toxins from tissues, alleviates the symptoms of eczema and helps to restore the skin after burns. Sesame oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin, relieves inflammation, increases the protective properties of the epidermis. Recommendations for use: Cracked skin Frostbite Corns Heat rush Ulcers Bruises Burns Hemorrhoidal pain Anal fissures Eczema Dermatitis Matsuura Pharmaceutical Shiunko Ointment quickly eliminates inflammation and accelerates the healing process.