
ORIHIRO Pleasant Sleep Supplement (Theanine + Verdolaga + GABA)

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About the product


Quantity14 ps
Dosage14 days
Weight1.5 g

Composition and method of application

Active components (1 dose): Theanine - 200 mg, Verdolaga extract -10 mg, GABA - 5 mg.

How to use: Dissolve the contents of one sachet in one full glass (approximately 250mls) of warm water. Drink 15-20 minutes before you are going to bed. Do not exceed recommended daily dose.

Product description

Orihiro Sleep Supplicant help to get a good night's sleep. It relieves nervous tension, soothes, relaxes, increases the amount of deep sleep exist, helps to get rid of the light sensitivity. The drug increases the concentration, prevents reduced cognitive performance caused by the lack of sleep, increases immunity, helps to reduce excess weight. The main active components of the product are:

Teanin and GAMK - improves the sleep quality, relaxes, relieves stress, restores memory, attention and mental skills, relieves nervous tension.

Verdolaga extract - eliminates insomnia, relieves a headache, normalizes the heart rate, calms the nerves.

Has the lemon taste.