
Moringa Powder Kagoshima Prefecture

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About the product

Product description

Moringa is a unique superfood with powerful healing properties. Moringa contains vitamins A, C, trace elements, chlorogenic acid, antioxidants and beta-carotene. Moringa helps to treat diseases, has a rejuvenating effect and prolongs life:

  • Increases immunity;
  • Protects cells from free radicals;
  • Improves cognitive abilities;
  • Normalizes metabolic processes;
  • Lowers your cholesterol levels and helps you keep your blood sugar under control.
  • Improves digestive health;
  • Normalizes the nervous function and supports heart;
  • Improves the condition of the skin and hair;
  • Boosts weight loss;
  • Relieves the symptoms of chronic fatigue.

Order Moringa Powder Kagoshima Prefecture to strengthen health and prolong youth.


Weight30 g

Composition and method of application

Components: Moringa Powder (Kagoshima Prefecture).

Daily dose: Adults - 3g, children (6-18 years old) - 1, 5 g, children under 6 years old - 1g.

How to use: Mix the powder with water, milk, fruit or vegetable juices. You can also add it to your favorite meals.