
Nichie Black Sesame Sesamin Antioxidant Complex

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About the product

Product description

Nichie Black Sesame Sesamin Antioxidant Complex contains natural ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the whole body:

  • Sesamin is a powerful natural antioxidant derived from sesame seeds. It neutralizes the activity of free radicals, boosts metabolism, improves liver function, has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, and strengthens nails and hair.
  • Vitamin C boosts immunity, fights oxidative stress, stimulates collagen production, improves skin condition, and strengthens blood vessels.
  • Vegetable lecithin restores liver cells, cleanses the body of toxins and slags, reduces the risk of thrombosis and atherosclerosis, helps reduce adipose tissue, and stimulates brain function.

Take Nichie Black Sesame Sesamin Antioxidant Complex to get all the valuable nutrients your body needs, significantly improve your health, and prevent health problems.



Composition and method of application

Ingredients: Sesame Oil, Black Sesame Extract, Gelatin, Glycerin, Vitamin C, Soy Lecithin.

Nutritional information (in 1 capsule): energy 2.28 kcal, proteins 0.1 g, lipids 0.19 g, carbohydrates 0.03 g, sodium 0 g.

Active ingredients (in 1 capsule): sesamin 15 mg.

How to use: Take 1 capsule a day.