
NICHIGA WPI Whey Protein Isolate

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About the product

Product description


NICHIGA WPI contains 93.4% highly purified whey protein. Due to its purified composition, protein isolate is easily absorbed by the body and serves as an ideal building material for muscles.

The main positive effects of NICHIGA WPI include:

  • Promotes the gain and maintenance of muscle mass
  • Reduces cholesterol synthesis in the body
  • Normalizes the cardiovascular system
  • Accelerates the breakdown of fats and slows their accumulation in the body
  • Participates in the synthesis of serotonin, the hormone of joy
  • Helps to cope with stress
  • Has a beneficial effect on the liver
  • Normalizes blood pressure

NICHIGA WPI protein isolate is an excellent choice for sports nutrition and weight loss programs.



Composition and method of application

Ingredients: highly purified whey protein (WPI).

Nutritional value (100 g of product): calories 366 kcal, protein 89.26 g (anhydrous basis 93.49 g), lipids 0.22 g, carbohydrates 1.77 g, sodium 362 mg, water 4.52 g, ash 3.21 g, potassium 395 mg, calcium 366 mg, magnesium 43 mg.

Amino acid content (100 g): valine 5540 mg, isoleucine 6730 mg, leucine 10320 mg, lysine 8750 mg, methionine 2140 mg, phenylalanine 3120 mg, threonine 6790 mg, tryptophan 1630 mg, glutamic acid 4140 mg, histidine 2820 mg, tyrosine 4930 mg, proline 18400 mg, arginine 1670 mg, serine 10930 mg, cystine 2010 mg, glycine 6410 mg, aspartic acid 2070 mg, alanine 1600 mg (BCAA 22.59 g).

How to use: Dissolve 20 g of powder in 150 ml of milk or water. For athletes with a lot of muscle mass, the ideal ratio is 2 g / 1 kg of body weight. It is recommended to drink after training or before meals.