
Ogaland Noni Grain

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About the product

Product description

Noni is an amazing fruit with potent healing properties. For many centuries, noni fruit juice has been used as an effective medicine for fever, digestive problems, asthma, hypertension, and also as a prophylactic. Studies have shown that noni has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anti-cancer effects. Also, it is rich in more than 140 trace elements and has a beneficial effect on the human body:
  •     Polyunsaturated acids support heart tissue and blood vessels, improve skin condition, increase skin elasticity, normalize the nervous system function and help improve mood.
  •     Bromelain stimulates the production of enzymes that reduce cravings for caffeine, nicotine, as well as sweets.
  •     Scopoletin has antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal properties, normalizes blood pressure, improves sleep quality and helps control hunger.
  •     Anthraquinone provides an antibacterial effect.
  •     Selenium has potent antioxidant properties, binds and removes free radicals that cause premature aging.
  •     Vitamin C helps convert nutrients into energy, boosts vitality, and improves health.
  •     Trace elements help to cope with neurosis, depression, migraines, chronic fatigue, strengthen muscles and bones.
  •     Soluble fiber normalizes cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
  •     Insoluble fiber improves digestive health.
Ogaland Noni Grain provides the body with nutrients, significantly increases vitality and helps to prolong youth.


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Composition and method of application

Ingredients: noni powder, noni juice powder (dextrin, noni juice), starch syrup, agar powder, crystalline cellulose, calcium stearate, silicon oxide.

Active components (in 1 capsule): noni powder 100 mg, noni juice powder 80 mg, agar powder 12.5 mg.

How to use: Take 2-3 capsules per day.