ORIHIRO Jerusalem Artichoke + Inulin + Salacia + Mulberry Leaves helps normalize blood sugar levels, blocks the absorption of fats, and improves overall health.
Take ORIHIRO Jerusalem Artichoke + Inulin + Salacia + Mulberry Leaves to effectively reduce your blood sugar levels and prevent excess weight gain.
Quantity | 180 pcs |
Dosage | 30 days |
manufacturer | ORIHIRO |
Ingredients: Inulin, Jerusalem Artichoke Extract, Corn Starch, Vegetable Oil, Mulberry Leaf Extract Powder, Salacia Extract Powder, Sea Bean Extract Powder, Crystalline Cellulose.
Nutritional value (in 6 tablets): calories 3.6 kcal, protein 0-0. 1 g, lipids 0-0. 1 g, carbohydrates 1.3 g (sugar 0-0. 3 g, dietary fiber 1.0-1.3 g), salt 0-0. 02 g.
Active ingredients (in 6 tablets): jerusalem artichoke powder 150 mg, inulin 1000 mg, mulberry leaf extract 30 mg, salacia extract 30 mg, purple bean extract 20 mg.
How to use: Take 6 tablets a day with water.