
Orihiro Megusurinoki Tea

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About the product

Product description

Improve your well-being, say bye to colds and flu and rejuvenate your body. Sounds impossible? Try new Orihiro Megusurinoki Tea and protect your body and health!

The tea heals, fights toxins and free radicals, supports protective functions and stimulates energy production. Drinking this unique product you can get rid of excess weight and improve physical appearance. Tea tonics muscles, speeds up metabolism and improves skin condition. It helps to maintain the normal acid-base balance and prevent dehydration. It supports brain, prevents senile dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Has an anti-stress effect and helps to increase performance. Regular intake of the product improves the circulatory system function, stimulates blood and lymph flow. Tes strengthens and supports the blood vessels, increases their elasticity. It improves digestive health, heals and recovers the gastrointestinal tract tissues from the inside.


Quantity26 ps
Weight1 g

Composition and method of application

How to use: Fill with boiling water. Allow steeping for 2-3 minutes.

Ingredients: Megusurinoki.