
SeedComs Dark Lutein

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About the product

Product description

SeedComs Dark Lutein contains active components that help protect the eyes and maintain good vision:

  • Lutein saturates the eyes with oxygen and trace elements, increases visual acuity and prevents retinal disorders.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids extracted from flaxseed oil normalize blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels, nourish the eyes with nutrients and normalize eye pressure.
  • Vitamins prevent macular degeneration and cataract, slow down the aging process, normalize blood flow.

Taking SeedComs Dark Lutein will help to protect your eyes from age-related changes and increase visual acuity.


Quantity60 ps
Dosage30 days

Composition and method of application

Ingredients: rice oil (Japan), linseed oil, sesame oil, gelatin, glycerin, glycerol fatty acid ester, beeswax, calendula pigment (containing lutein), vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin D3.

How to take: take 1 capsule per day.