
Orihiro Yakon Tea 100

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About the product

Product description

Orihiro Yakon Tea 100 contains inulin and fights diabetes. Normalizes blood sugar level, relieves the symptoms of diabetes and reduces the risk of the disease. Orihiro Yakon Tea 100 is a low-calorie product that helps to get rid of excess weight the number one tool in the fight against excess weight. Regular intake of the product stimulates energy production and increases performance. Improves metabolism and reduces appetite. Yakon is known for its antioxidant properties, neutralizes free radicals, eliminates toxins, restores the body during poisoning. It supports digestive health, normalizes intestinal flora and suppresses the growth of pathogenic bacteria, reduces colic and spasms. Yakon is highly rich in selenium, which helps to prolong life and preserve health and beauty.


Quantity60 ps
Weight3 g

Composition and method of application

How to use: Fill one tea bag with of 0.5 - 1 liter of boiling water. Wait for 3 minutes.

Components: yacon leaves and root (65%/35%).