
Tryptophan Marugo L-Tryptophan

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About the product

Product description

L-tryptophan-is an irreplaceable amino acid, which is not synthesized in the human body. Tryptophan is a participant of metabolic processes, as a result of which the endocrine system produces two major hormone-melatonin and serotonin. If there is a deficiency of tryptophan, the level of these hormones decreases. As a result, serious violations occur in the body.

  • Melatonin-hormone sleep. With its shortage disturbed rhythm of sleep-appears insomnia, shifts the phase of sleep, after awakening the person feels tired and broken. With a prolonged shortage of melatonin decreases immunity, falls Health and sexual activity.
  • Serotonin is a hormone of happiness. When it is not enough, there is irritability, anxiety, often the person no reason feels danger and is subjected to panic attacks. The level of aggression and the propensity to conflict is also significantly increased . Self-esteem falls, craving for sweet and alcohol appears. In the long deficit of serotonin, a person can become depressed and even show a propensity to suicide.

To get enough tryptophan from food is difficult. The drug Marugo L-Tryptophan fully covers the daily need of an adult in this amino acid and quickly replenishes its deficiency in the body.

As a result:

  • restores the natural rhythm of sleep and improves its quality. In the mornings you feel refreshed, rested and full of strength.
  • improves mood, worries and tension, you easily cope with stress and depressive states.
  • improves brain activity, which is especially valuable for students, students and intellectual workers.
  • strengthens immunity, increases efficiency and activity.
  • reduces craving for sweet and overeating, which contributes to weight loss.
  • neutralizes morbid addiction to alcohol.

Turn Marugo L-Tryptophan into a diet to support the nervous system, provide yourself with a healthy sleep, poise and excellent mood every day.


Quantity120 ps60 ps
Dosage30 days

Composition and method of application

Composition: L-tryptophan, maltosa, calcium stearat. The content of tryptophan in one tablet-150 mg. Dosage: Recommended daily rate for adults-4 pcs (600 mg).