
DHC For Dog Greedy Enzyme

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About the product

Product description

DHC For Dog Greedy Enzyme improves intestinal flora, improves digestion, and enhances nutrient absorption. It contains 82 vegetables and fruits, including Koji, that will help maintain the overall physical well-being of your dog. Benefits:

  • provides the dog with all the necessary vitamins and trace elements
  • normalizes intestinal flora
  • normalizes digestion
  • stimulates the nervous and cardiovascular systems
  • normalizes cholesterol and blood sugar levels
  • cleanses the body of toxins
  • boosts metabolism
  • improves the condition of skin and hair
  • prevent obesity
  • increases vitality
  • slows down the aging process

DHC For Dog Greedy Enzyme helps to maintain the health of your pet and prevents diseases.


Quantity60 ps

Composition and method of application

Components: digested dextrin, fermented plant extract (oligosaccharides, brown sugar, apples, unpeeled rice, oysters, grapes, peaches, sweet corn, kiwi, carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, soy, cabbage, kelp, bananas, pineapple, watermelon, melon, strawberry, plum, mulberry, prunes, wormwood, strawberries, grapes, mandarin, pumpkin, litchi, radish, spinach, cabbage, young barley leaves, coix, kumquat, shiitake mushrooms, rice bran, lemon, cocoa, mushrooms, algae, blueberry , cucumbers, mallotus, plantain, striped bamboo, horsetail, japanese plum, maitake, celery, pears, green pepper, bitter pumpkin, plum, lotus root, turmeric, figs, burdock, ginger, chinese quince, parsley, asparagus, raspberry, blackberries, winter strawberries), brewer's yeast, fermented koji rice, grain malt (barley, millet, echinochloa, violet rice, rice flour), pork liver extract, chicken extract, pork extract, cellulose, silicon dioxide, calcium stearate.

Active components (in 1 tablet (250 mg)): Fermented plant extract 60 mg, grain malt 25mg, fermented koji 20 mg

Daily dose: Up to 5 kg - 1 tablet, 5 to 10 kg - 2 tablets, 10 to 20 kg - 3 tablets, over 20 kg - 4 tablets.

It is not recommended for pets under 3 months.