
Vitamins 48 Vegetables Cellulose Lactic Acid Bacteria Dear-Natura Asahi

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About the product


Dosage60 days
Quantity270 ps

Composition and method of application

Ingredients: vitamin E - 8.0 mg, vitamin B2 - 1.1 mg, biotin - 45 mcg, vitamin A - 450 mcg, vitamin C - 80 mg, vitamin B1 - 1 , 0 mg, vitamin B6 1.0 mg, vitamin B12 2.0 mg, niacin 11 mg, pantothenic acid 5.5 mg, folic acid 200 μg, vitamin D 5.0 ​​μg, calcium 100 mg, magnesium 50 mg, zinc 2.34 mg, iron 2.5 mg, manganese 1.17 mg, copper 0.2 mg, selenium 7.7 μg, chromium 10 μg, molybdenum 5 , 67 μg, lactic acid bacteria spores - 100 million, fiber - 100 mg.


Usage: 2 tablets 2 times a day with meals.



Product description

The complex from Dear-Natura combines all the vitamins and minerals contained in 8 kinds of vegetables, 23 kinds of fruits, 7 grains, 5 kinds of algae and yeast fungi. The complex has the most complete health-improving effect on the body, eliminates metabolic disruptions, increases energy, eliminates drowsiness and apathy, protects cells from damage and promotes their regeneration after infections. The complex strengthens immunity, strengthens blood vessels, heart muscle, nervous system, increases cognitive abilities. The drug promotes good digestion without the appearance of extra pounds, positively affects the health of the liver, pancreas and thyroid gland, makes muscles tightened, lowers the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood. The components of the drug normalize blood circulation, speeding up both nutrition of cells, and the removal of harmful substances from them. In the preparation:


  • Vitamin A - antioxidant, cleanses blood vessels and prevents cancer, improves vision and skin condition
  • Vitamin C - an antioxidant and immunostimulator, helps to assimilate calcium, a protein synthesis stimulator
  • Vitamin E - antioxidant and UV filter, improves blood flow to tissues
  • Biotin - necessary for metabolism, fat burning preparation, heals the skin
  • B group vitamins and folic acid - responsible for energy metabolism, nervous system health, normal formation of red blood cells
  • niacin - improves immunity and circulation, maintains the health of the skin, joints and nervous system, an excellent sedative
  • pantothenic acid - skin antiseptic, accelerates metabolism
  • Vitamin D - is essential for the complete absorption of calcium, the health of bones and muscles
  • Calcium is a building material for bone and connective tissue, adopts a host in the synthesis of enzymes, the transfer of nerve impulses, the work of the immune system, regeneration processes
  • Magnesium is important for bones and muscles, good blood flow and normal functioning of the nervous system, speeds up metabolism and energy production, supports the body's water-salt balance
  • zinc is necessary for qualitative cell division, useful for the reproductive system of both men and women, preserves the health of skin, skin and nails
  • iron - iron - in the hemoglobin supplies cells with oxygen, necessary for the health of the liver, bone marrow, thyroid, nervous and immune systems
  • Manganese - cleans vessels of cholesterol and other fats, lowers blood sugar levels, participates in insulin production, is useful for the thyroid, digestive and nervous system
  • copper - is involved in the production of red blood cells and elastic proteins, is responsible for strong bones and immunity, an antioxidant
  • molybdenum - removes metabolic products and toxic doses of iron from the body, improves the potency and oxygen supply of cells
  • Lactobacilli - are involved in digestion and fighting the body with harmful microflora, and also produce vitamins of group B
  • fiber - strengthens the bowels, removes toxins and toxins, blocks the absorption of saturated fats, facilitates the reproduction of lactobacilli
  • Selenium is an antioxidant, supports your youth, ensures maximum iodine digestion
  • chrome - accelerates the supply of the brain with glucose and reduces the amount of free sugar in the blood, reduces appetite and prevents the replenishment of fatty deposits.