
Menard Ginkgo & DHA

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About the product

Product description

Stimulates brain function, helps to cope with stress and heals the nervous system.  DHA is an irreplaceable amino acid that is not produced by the body and is necessary to maintain your health and youth. Ginkgo Biloba extract is especially useful for the brain and CNS system, as it helps to stimulate nerve impulse transmission and stabilizes the mood. The product slows down the aging process, helps to fight elderly health issues, improves memory and concentration. It has antioxidant effects, neutralizes free radicals, removes toxins, lowers cholesterol levels, prevents plaque formation and thrombosis, normalizes the blood pressure.


Quantity100 ps
Dosage30 days

Composition and method of application

How to use: Take 3 tablets daily.

Components: DHA (Docoxhexanic Acid), Ginkgo Biloba Extract.