
Shiseido Propolis + Agaricus Blazei Murill

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About the product

Product description

Shiseido Propolis + Agaricus Blazei Murill with a potent antioxidant effect helps to restore the body after diseases, boosts immunity and improves energy production.

Propolis is the richest source of valuable essential oils, flavonoids, useful acids, phytoncides, tannins, as well as microelements such as iron, copper, manganese, potassium, sodium. It is famous for its excellent bactericidal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases and stimulates immunity. Propolis will help to reduce the risk of oncological diseases and restore the body after illnesses and injury. 

Agaricus extract improves the nervous system, protects the body against free radicals, prevents cancer and can be used in cancer treatment. It helps to strengthen the liver, stomach, kidneys, and genitourinary system.


  • Lowers the risk of cancer;
  • Removes toxins from the body;
  • Improves liver function;
  • Normalizes metabolism;
  • Normalizes digestion;
  • Nourishes with essential substances;
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Improves skin condition;
  • Strengthens heart and vessels;
  • Helps with insomnia;
  • Normalizes the CNS function;
  • Lowers the blood sugar level.

This supplement is especially useful for middle-aged and old people to improve well-being, endurance, mood, and health.


Quantity90 ps
Dosage30 days

Composition and method of application

How to use: Adults should take 3 tablets a day.

Ingredients: Propolis, Agaricus, Corn oil, Cellulose, Beeswax, Whey protein, Gelatin, Glycerin.